20 Feb

The Ambassador of Mexico is accredited to Turkmenistan

On February 19, 2024, Chairman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova received credentials from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States to Turkmenistan Jose Luis Martinez Hernandez. On behalf of the head of state, the speaker of the national Parliament congratulated the diplomat on his appointment and wished him success in his work to strengthen bilateral relations. The Ambassador, in turn, conveyed warm words of greetings to the President of Turkmenistan on behalf...

19 Feb

The Ambassador of Mexico presented copies of his credentials to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Myahri Byashimova accepted copies of credentials from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States to Turkmenistan Jose Luis Martinez Hernandez. The Deputy Minister congratulated the Ambassador on his appointment and wished him success in his diplomatic activities. During the meeting, the parties spoke in favor of intensifying cooperation in the political and diplomatic sphere by means of establishing conta...

19 Feb

A new training center on diplomatic protocol has been opened at the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

On February 18, 2024, the opening ceremony of the new training center “Diplomatic Protocol” was held at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The event was attended by the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the country's diplomatic corps and heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan. As is known, a specialized training center was created in accordance with the decree of the Preside...

18 Feb

A package of documents with specialized UN agencies signed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

Currently, Turkmenistan is significantly expanding its traditional cooperation with the United Nations and especially its structural divisions on current issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Mutual interest in the implementation of joint projects corresponds to the long-term nature of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the UN and is an effective impetus for the successful solution of all set goals and objectives for the benefit of the further development of the country. Thus, o...

18 Feb

PRESS RELEASE of the events on the occasion of the Day of Diplomatic Worker of Turkmenistan

On February 18, 2024, the international conference “Magtymguly Fragi’s Concept of Peace and the Diplomacy of Neutral Turkmenistan” was held in the conference hall of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The conference was attended by heads and employees of the diplomatic service of Turkmenistan, diplomatic missions and representative offices of international organizations working in Turkmenistan, teachers and students of higher education...

18 Feb

Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti diplomatlary hünär baýramy bilen gutlady

Hormatly Türkmenistanyň diplomatik işgärleri! Sizi Türkmenistanyň diplomatik işgärleriniň güni mynasybetli tüýs ýürekden gutlaýaryn. «Pähim-paýhas ummany Magtymguly Pyragy» ýyly şygary astynda geçýän 2024-nji ýylda Watanymyzyň halkara abraýyny we oňyn täsirini güýçlendirmek üçin döwletimiziň diplomatik gullugynyň işgärleriniň öňünde goýlan belent wezipeleri talabalaýyk ýerine ýetirmek ugrunda yhlas bilen zähmet çekjekdigiňize ynanýaryn. Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň Permany bilen, 2009-njy...

16 Feb

On the meeting with the head of the France-Turkmenistan Chamber of Commerce

On 16 February 2024, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan M. Byashimova met with the head of the Chamber of Commerce "France-Turkmenistan" Marie-Hélène Berard Marie-Hélène Berard. During the meeting, the parties noted with satisfaction the positive dynamics in the development of trade and economic relations between Turkmenistan and France. In this context, the sides stressed the potential for building up Turkmenistan's business partnership with French companies in the energy...